Lost Motivation…..

I hope everyone had a great Easter break filled with good company, food and lots of chocolate lovin! It’s always nice to take a break and spend time with the people who matter most. The hard part lies in trying to get back on track and into routine. I found it very challenging to stay motivated following this past time away from work. I don’t know if it was due to a chocolate overload or just the sheer enjoyment of not having to be ruled by my alarm clock. Either way I struggled to get moving and back on track. You wait so long for that greatly anticipated break and just like that it’s gone and you are left wishing you could do it all over again. I wanted to relish in those moments and stay there way past the expiration date. It left me lost and asking “what do I craft next”? I knew I needed to find some inspiration to snap me out of my funk. That’s when I found a great tutorial on how to make this beauty;

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I sometimes over think and try to make things more complicated then they need to be. It wasn’t until I stopped to smell the roses that it all came flooding in 😉 Once I did that I became re-inspired and motivated to get back on the crafting wagon and off the lazy Gus train. The sweet smell of spring in the air and new life blooming all around me refuelled my creative fire.

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It’s amazing what you can do when you just let things be and take in the nature around you. You don’t always need to go searching for the answers, sometimes they are there right in front of you. If you are having the same struggles these next few crafting tutorials may be the cure;

With my renewed energy the creativity is flowing and I can’t wait to share in the coming weeks. What motivates you?

*Stay tuned for next week, it’s bound to be a “hoot”. Also, new spring items on my Etsy store BBCraftlandia*

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